Friday, October 7, 2011


I have been sooooo busy…you know, hanging by the beach, playing in the sand, laying by the pool, tubing in the lazy river, watching movies, snuggling, playing with "squiggies," having imaginary birthday parties with puppies annndddddd spending time with my most favorite person (sorry hubs!)

I have just been having too much fun with this little diva to post.

More pictures to come later :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Mo' Money, Mo' {shoe} Problems

I like shoes, no girl can have too many pairs. Which may explain my ever growing "collection."
I just can't help it:)

Last week I went to Lilly P. to exchange the turtle plates I got for Lily because they got elephant ones in! So cute. And then I shopped a little. I got these T.B. flats and they are a pinkish-nude. They go perfect with almost any skinny jean outfit :)

I also COULD NOT pass up these adorable boots! They hug my leg so perfectly and are super comfy. For only 200 doll hairs I took them home.

Shoes :)

Happy Monday! Enjoying my family and my Lily who is getting so big!